Air Monitoring for Asbestos in Denver, Colorado

Does Your Denver Project Require an Asbestos Air Monitoring Specialist?

air clearance
black mastic asbestos test

Asbestos Testing

Asbestos Sample Analysis

Why You Need an Asbestos Air Monitoring Specialist (AMS)

  • Accuracy: AMS professionals conduct precise air sampling and analysis of asbestos fiber levels.
  • Regulatory Compliance: They ensure adherence to OSHA, EPA, and CDPHE guidelines, helping avoid legal issues.
  • Safety Assurance: During and after abatement, personal monitoring and/or NAM to clearance testing.
  • Documentation: Provides detailed reports useful for insurance, liability protection, and record-keeping.
  • Expert Guidance: Offering professional insight and guidance.

Overall, employing an AMS enhances safety, ensures regulatory compliance, and provides peace of mind throughout the asbestos management process.

Local Office:
201 Milwaukee St Unit 200
Denver, Colorado 80206.

We’ll come to you in Denver, just give us a call at (303) 834-3594.

*Jobs requiring greater than two hours travel will incur an additional charge. Give us a call with questions.


*If asbestos is found in your property, hire a professional, state certified asbestos abatement contractor for removal.

*While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information, please understand this is not intended to be legal advice, we are not lawyers.