Lead Abatement, Removal in Lakewood, Colorado

Are you renovating a pre-1978 Lakewood property?

commercial lead testing

Lead Inspection

Lead Paint Testing

Understanding Lead Abatement vs. RRP

Knowing the difference between Lead Abatement and Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) is essential for property owners and contractors to stay compliant and maintain safety.

Whether you’re tackling lead abatement or RRP work (as defined by the EPA’s Lead-Based Paint Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule), we identify hazards, confirm safety after remediation, and help keep your project on track with accurate, reliable results.

Lead Abatement is a specialized process designed to permanently remove lead hazards in homes, schools, and childcare facilities. Methods include:

  • Removal – Eliminating lead-based paint and dust.
  • Enclosure – Covering surfaces with durable barriers.
  • Encapsulation – Sealing lead paint with a protective coating.
  • Replacement – Swapping lead-painted materials with new, lead-free ones.

RRP Activities, on the other hand, involve general renovations that may disturb lead paint but are not aimed at eliminating it. Examples include:

  • Replacing windows or doors.
  • Updating plumbing or electrical systems.
  • Painting or refinishing surfaces.

Ensuring compliance with The EPA’s lead-safe work practices helps protect occupants and workers from harmful exposure.

Since RRP work can still create lead hazards, the EPA requires lead-safe certification for contractors working on pre-1978 homes, childcare facilities, and preschools. Homeowners performing their own renovations are generally exempt unless they rent or flip properties or operate a childcare center.

Local Office:
201 Milwaukee St Unit 200
Denver, Colorado 80206.

We’ll come to you in Lakewood, just give us a call at (303) 834-3594.

*Jobs requiring greater than two hours travel will incur an additional charge. Give us a call with questions.

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