Tennessee Asbestos Inspections

Do You Suspect Asbestos?

black mastic asbestos

Testing for Asbestos Remediation

Asbestos Bulk Sample Analysis

air clearance

Why Do We Inspect Properties for Likely Asbestos?

IET offers asbestos inspections to see if materials are likely to contain asbestos.

We offer different types of asbestos testing, if necessary, depending on your circumstance. Call for a free phone consultation if you suspect asbestos and you are planning a remodel.

Disturbing ACMs during renovations can release asbestos fibers, putting workers and occupants at risk of developing diseases like mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis. Treating these conditions can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per individual—costs that are both preventable and devastating.

  • Preventing Health Risks: Asbestos fibers can become airborne when disturbed, posing serious health hazards, including mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis. Inspecting materials ensures early detection and prevents exposure.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Local, state, and federal regulations, like those enforced by the EPA and OSHA, require inspections to identify asbestos before disturbing materials. Compliance helps avoid costly fines and legal issues.
  • Informed Renovation Planning: Inspections help property owners and contractors identify asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in areas like ceiling tiles, insulation, flooring, and drywall, enabling safe and efficient project planning.
  • Cost Management: By identifying ACMs upfront, inspections prevent unexpected asbestos abatement expenses and project delays, saving time and money.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing your home or business is free from asbestos risks provides reassurance for workers, occupants, and families.

Inspecting properties for asbestos-containing materials is a proactive step that ensures safety, prevents costly surprises, and protects everyone involved in the process.