Category: Asbestos Testing

  • Understanding the Different Types of Asbestos Testing in Denver

    Understanding the Different Types of Asbestos Testing in Denver

    Asbestos, a once widely-used material for its fire-resistant properties, is now known to pose serious health risks. To ensure safety, especially during asbestos abatement in Denver, understanding the different types of asbestos testing is crucial. This blog will explain the various methods used in asbestos testing, providing clarity on how to manage this hazardous material…

  • Protect Your Family from *Potential Jobsite Asbestos

    Protect Your Family from *Potential Jobsite Asbestos

    Asbestos exposure is a silent and invisible threat that can have devastating consequences on your health and the health of your loved ones. Many people work in fields that have high risk for exposure – highly regulated by state and federal regulation. If you find yourself where asbestos may be present and testing has not…

  • Asbestos in Schools: Risks and Regulations

    Asbestos in Schools: Risks and Regulations

    Asbestos, once prized for its fire-resistant properties, is now infamous for its severe health hazards. This mineral, extensively used in construction during the mid-20th century, has been linked to serious respiratory diseases, including lung cancer and mesothelioma. Colorado schools, many of which were built during this period, still contain asbestos-containing materials, posing a hidden danger…

  • An Historical Journey through Asbestos Use and Legislation in the U.S.

    An Historical Journey through Asbestos Use and Legislation in the U.S.

    The history of asbestos use and legislation in the United States is a complex narrative marked by its widespread use, scores of people with illness and disease related to asbestos, and the subsequent efforts to regulate and mitigate its hazards.

  • The Hidden Danger of Asbestos Release During Home Renovations

    The Hidden Danger of Asbestos Release During Home Renovations

    Are you gearing up for a home renovation project? Excited about giving your space a fresh new look? While renovations can breathe new life into your home, they can also pose unexpected health risks if proper precautions aren’t taken. One such risk is the release of asbestos fibers into the air, especially during demolition and…

  • Building Renovation and Demolition in Colorado: What You Need to Know About Asbestos Testing

    Building Renovation and Demolition in Colorado: What You Need to Know About Asbestos Testing

    Bottom line: If you don’t know it’s not asbestos, you must test. Are you embarking on a renovation or demolition project in Colorado? Whether you’re sprucing up your space or starting from scratch, it’s critical to be aware of state and federal regulations regarding asbestos. Here’s what you need to know to avoid penalties and…

  • Improper Asbestos Handling & Disposal Can Have Legal Consequences

    Improper Asbestos Handling & Disposal Can Have Legal Consequences

    Are you aware of the potential legal pitfalls that come with improper handling and disposal of asbestos? In Colorado, failure to comply with asbestos testing requirements can result in severe consequences that not only jeopardize your health but also put you at risk of legal action and significant fines. What are the legal ramifications of…

  • EPA Bans Chrysotile Asbestos to Protect Public Health in Bold Step

    EPA Bans Chrysotile Asbestos to Protect Public Health in Bold Step

    In a groundbreaking move, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) bans chrysotile asbestos in a decisive action to protect public health by banning chrysotile asbestos, the last remaining type of asbestos still used and imported in the country. This significant decision comes after years of advocacy and scientific evidence pointing to the severe health risks…

  • Asbestos Could be Lurking in Your Home

    Asbestos Could be Lurking in Your Home

    Welcome, homeowners, to a journey through the hidden dangers of asbestos! You’re thinking: “Asbestos? Isn’t that something our grandparents worried about?” Well, hold on to your hard hats and don’t tear up that flooring yet, because asbestos might be hidden in your home’s materials. Today, we’re diving deep into the nooks and crannies of our…

  • Knowing About Asbestos in Your Home Matters More Than Removal

    Knowing About Asbestos in Your Home Matters More Than Removal

    Colorado asbestos basics With the exception of a few materials (like…Quarry stone, glass, rubber, styrofoam, wood, fiberglass) materials are assumed to have asbestos until you prove they don’t, regardless of when the property was built! You should know about asbestos in your home, whether or not you have plans for removal. You’re not testing to…

  • Hire Certified Professionals for Asbestos in Construction and Restoration Projects

    Hire Certified Professionals for Asbestos in Construction and Restoration Projects

    Are you embarking on a construction, restoration, demolition, or remodeling project? It is an exciting endeavor, yet challenging in some respects. One aspect that often goes unnoticed until it becomes a serious concern is the presence of asbestos in building materials. Asbestos, once a widely used construction material, can pose severe health risks if not…